With many ambitions, Ban Pouch is set for success.
With a strong support system Ban can do anything.
“I don’t remember much, but I do remember my childhood being fun and family oriented. I also remember really enjoying elementary school.” Puoch said
Finding joy in schools from a young age. Ban was destiny bound to be clever in school. Through the ups and downs of school and the battles it brings, she still manages it all. Facing her battles, she is not alone. Ban loves the company of the support system surrounding her.
“I have a couple of important people but two that stand out are my mom and friend Callie. My mom is most important to me because she is kind, caring and sweet. Callie is important to me because she is the closest friend to me right now. She is also a funny and charismatic” Puoch Said
Throughout her childhood, she enjoyed the leisurely activities she was able to participate in. Everyone needs a break every once in a while, but for Ban this break was annual. To make it even better, it included the people closest to her, her family.
“Most of my best memories were with my cousins. Every summer id go to stay with my cousins in South Sioux City. These were some of the best memories because they were fun.” Puoch said
Dwelling on the past, Ban likes to think of the future. Everyone has future goals but to Ban she likes to go with the flow. She adjusts her sails to which the way the wind is blown. After all, the past can’t be changed but the future can. How does Ban see her future playing out?
“I see myself hopefully married, a teacher and living somewhere far away from Nebraska! I see myself there because it was what I’m working towards” Puoch said
With her future ahead of her, everything that has ever happened to Puoch has led her to this moment. Striving for a successful future, Ban is ready for whatever is thrown at her.