I believe that PE is a well-rounded education and should be considered a core subject. The contributions of PE go beyond physical fitness. It may increase mental, emotional, and academic performance.
Research has proved that exercise pumps blood and oxygen to the brain, improving memory, enhancing focus, and building problem-solving skills. According to the CDC, students who are more active tend to show better grades and improved concentration. In my opinion, PE is a bigger driver of academic success.
PE also decreases stress and improves mental health. Physical activity decreases stress levels while releasing endorphins, thus helping students handle anxiety and depression. In addition, PE develops lifelong healthy habits in fighting such problems as childhood obesity and encourages active lifestyles.
I believe that PE is the necessary social skills one needs in life, such as teamwork, leadership, and empathy. It could be in the form of taking part in a team sport or even just encouraging one’s peers through many activities. Some argue PE takes time away from academics, but studies show active students perform better academically. In my opinion, integrating PE into the school day creates a balanced environment where students thrive physically, mentally, and academically.
By prioritizing PE, schools prepare students to be healthier, more focused, and well-rounded individuals.