To me, Lent isn’t just about giving up soda and candy. Those are good things to give up, but I think that we tend to get lost in the big picture. Lent is about coming closer to God, and the best sacrifices are ones that have an effect on us.
Instead of just giving up something, what if we do something that brings us closer to our faith instead? Instead of watching TV all night, we could go to bed earlier so we can pray in the morning. Or instead of giving up social media, we could use it to post something inspirational about our faith.
Our world is always moving fast pace, but if we take time out to go to Mass regularly, read the Bible, or visit someone in need, we are doing something special. Taking those little steps by spending time with a lonely old neighbor or just calling a family member to check up on them and talk.
Another good Lenten sacrifice is letting go of bad habits. Maybe we are gossips, impatient people, or complainers. What if, instead of just giving up sweets, we focused on being kinder, more patient, and more thankful? These changes can last well beyond Lent.
Lent isn’t just about sacrifice it’s about change. If we choose sacrifices that draw us nearer to God and make us better people, we’ll come out of this season stronger in our faith. The best Lenten sacrifices in my opinion don’t just change our routine day-to-day they change our hearts.