JROTC hosts fundraisers for events

Caban Willms, Sunshine Coordinator/Editor


The JROTC program holds many events throughout the year. They include sporting events and social events. However, they also host fundraising events over the summer to help students pay for their many events throughout the year. 

“Part of it is sporting events for marksmanship to buy parts for our rifles and pistols. This year we are trying to get suit bags for everybody, and get new slings,” said Sergeant Major Guhl. 

One of their major events was a pancake feed help students pay for part of their trips to Normandy, France which will take place in 2019.  This events directly benefited the students who take part in it, but for the most part, most of their fundraising efforts just help the students get an award because it isn’t for them. 

“They’re for our program, we are always in need to improve the program. Gear gets used and then we must replace it. We have to pay for drill meets somehow,” Guhl said.  

People who attend these events will see many of the people running the events are cadets and the instructors. 

“It’s a ‘monkey see, monkey do’ thing. They see what the higher ups are doing and follow that,” said Junior Drake Hain. 

To handle these events requires an approach that is simple, but complex. Many events have many components and must be thought out, but be simple enough so cadets can handle everything that is happening. 

Junior Grant Ivey is the program’s S2 and oversees the security of the event and manages cadet placements during the events. 

“It helps our program and gives the cadets volunteer hours which are required if you are in honors,” Ivey said. 

These events mainly provide an economic value to the program because that’s all program needs besides attendance.  The program needs do these events to pay for all they do, and the cadets know that hard work will be worth it in the end. 

“I want to go to Normandy because it’s the last time we are doing this and it’s the 75th anniversary of D-day. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Hain said.